Monday, January 31, 2011

making progress

After spending a lot of time cutting out various sized vinyl letters, measuring guidelines and laying out and rearranging all the words, I have finished a large step towards completing my poster project.

As you can see, I have finished laying out all of the letters and arranging the words on the poster.  It took quite a while to choose what "T" stations I wanted to have as well as which ones would actually fit.  I had a few stations in mind, mostly the major ones and a few others that I had personal connections to.  I included a few other stations I hadn't planned on, to fill the gaps where words I was expecting to use, didn't fit.  I left a large header and footer and smaller side margins.  I spaced the letters according to the margins and left 1" in between each row. Since I am using pre-cut adhesive letters, I cut them away from their sheets and used tape to put them in the desired locations.  I had to do some switching around to get the layout just so, but I'm very excited to see the final project because I really like the layout.  Before beginning to adhere the letters to the board, I put a very light wash of brown/tan paint and water on some of the letters to give it an aged, weathered appearance.

I started putting some of the letters on and so far have completed three rows.  I feel that the spacing is coming along nicely, and I just hope when I put the final black top coat on, the paint doesn't bleed under the letters.  I'm planning on using a very dry brush coat to avoid any seeping under the stickers.  The image below shows the top three lines with the letters stuck down as well as the "dirty" spots which hopefully appear natural and subtle but add some character.

Friday, January 28, 2011

cha cha cha CHIA

The Chia company would be happy to know that their most recent advertisements have paid off. I may have asked for and received a Chia Pet (elephant model) for Christmas this year and I must say, even though it may have been one of the least expensive gifts I received, it is bringing me equally if not more enjoyment that its more luxurious counterparts. I "planted" it last Saturday, so it's officially a week old and the seeds are beginning to open and sprouts are starting to grow. I think it feels right at home with the other plants in my bathroom.  It's warm and humid and it gets the best light in the house. I am very excited to keep you updated on its growth.  

This is what we're starting with, but it should be at full growth in about another week or so! 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

artistic procrastination

I should be washing the pile of dishes in my sink, left over from this morning's blueberry pancakes and tonight's homemade pizza but instead I'm simultaneously working on an art project, watching re-runs of Sex and the City (while just discovering I was missing the newest episode of The Office) and writing this post.

I have started this wall art/poster project that I am very excited to complete, and while I usually find myself working on projects with relatively instant gratification, this is something that has already taken several days and I see it taking several more to complete.  It's been almost two years that I've lived in my apartment; I've hung plenty of art, but for some reason, I've neglected to hang something on the focal wall in my living room.  I think the wall has remained blank because I have been holding out for the perfect combination of eye-catching, meaningful and artistic work, but have yet to find it.  I was considering compiling a collection of photos I have taken in my travels, but I didn't want it to look too generic.

While pa-rousing Etsy I came across a shop, Going Underground which inspired me to create my own Boston version of the artist's international Bus Roll Posters.  Hers were rather expensive, which is the main reason I decided not to purchase directly, but rather make my own.  Then, as I gathered materials I knew I was taking my creative liberties and truly making it mine.

The plan; Instead of canvas or paper, I used plywood.  24"w x 60"l  plywood with a frame constructed of 1"x 2" boards glued to the back for stability and mounting.

White letters spelling out the stops along several of Boston's subway lines with a black, distressed painted background.  Instead of hand painting the letters or using a stencil, I'm using different sizes of vinyl, adhesive letters used for making signs, that I have meticulously arranged on the plywood.  I roughly base coated the plywood with white acrylic paint, thin enough to allow a little of the grain to show through.  I'm measuring out the spacing of the letters and doing a dry run of all the words, before I peel off the sticker backing and I'm committed to the arrangement.  So far I'm about a third done with arranging the letters and guidelines as it is a slow process.  I hope to put a lot more work into it this weekend and hopefully finish it.  I think these images will best illustrate the beginning stages.

More to follow, stay tuned for more progress photos and hopefully the finished product!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

silent noise

It's snowing...its been snowing here for hours and it's anticipated that we'll get 5-10"overnight.  Now I am not the biggest fan of winter, even though I grew up in Buffalo, NY,  practically the unofficial snow capital of the country, but I find myself much happier during the warmer months.  However, that being said, the best part of winter is the beautiful silent noise of a good snowfall. This year we have had so many snow storms it reminds me of being back home; it reminds me of being a kid, spending the entire day outside building whatever I could dream up with my endless, crisp white materials.  Every time it snows, I still can't help but make an announcement of it.  The unexpected gentle precipitation excites me as if it were the first snowfall of the season.  The feeling takes me back to elementary school, where amidst a lesson, someone would notice it snowing outside and all work would cease and attentions would be seized.  In my eyes, if we must survive, or (less dramatically) deal with months of freezing, dreary cold days we might as well have the beautiful dusting of a gentle snowfall.  

As I mentioned yesterday, it's hard to fight off those winter blues, but I have found that feeding my creative soul has helped.  I also love to treat myself to some colorful flowers to brighten the bleak, stark days of winter.  I was out and about on Sunday, when temperatures hit a record low of -1 degrees when I decided I would pick up a little bundle of cheer for myself.  I bought these beautiful, delicate little purple flowers (Campanula Get Me- Campanula portenschlagiana), all massed togather into the prettiest little clump.  I couldn't help but capture their beauty by snapping a picture, but even this photo doesn't manifest how much they can change my mood for the better.  

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

resolution per say

To pull myself out of the winter blues and escape the sub-zero days here in Boston, I've been feeling the urge (and have the time) to get back into crafting. I have always had an interest in arts and crafts (let's call it what it is) and can even remember my friends jokingly calling me "Martha" when I was younger. Most recently I find myself using my artistic talents to create beaded jewelry, that I typically give as gifts or make for my own adornment. I have also had some limited, but concentrated exposure to various types of printmaking, which I fell in love with and am excited to explore further. I've always had a place in my heart for Photography, ever since my Dad handed down his handed-down Pentax K1000. It's a classic that I still have an enjoy not only shooting with, but also developing prints from. Hopefully I can somehow incorporate all of these talents and interests into something that really expresses me as an artist. I have been pa-rousing Etsy lately and feel like I need to open a shop, which is another project to add to the "creative things to do" list.

My portfolio is another project I feel I need to devote some quality time to. After graduating from college almost 2 years ago, I need to put together a portfolio that really reflects my talents and knowledge as a professional Interior Designer. I hope to gather all of my student work and the professional work I have contributed to in the past 2 years, to develop (with much assistance) a website where I can centrally locate all of my projects, hobbies and talents.

For now, I think writing a blog about my creative sparks I have from time to time will help me realize how often I feel inspired and how I really do need to do something about it, which I suppose is a new year's resolution, per say. Until next time, blog ya later.