Tuesday, January 25, 2011

resolution per say

To pull myself out of the winter blues and escape the sub-zero days here in Boston, I've been feeling the urge (and have the time) to get back into crafting. I have always had an interest in arts and crafts (let's call it what it is) and can even remember my friends jokingly calling me "Martha" when I was younger. Most recently I find myself using my artistic talents to create beaded jewelry, that I typically give as gifts or make for my own adornment. I have also had some limited, but concentrated exposure to various types of printmaking, which I fell in love with and am excited to explore further. I've always had a place in my heart for Photography, ever since my Dad handed down his handed-down Pentax K1000. It's a classic that I still have an enjoy not only shooting with, but also developing prints from. Hopefully I can somehow incorporate all of these talents and interests into something that really expresses me as an artist. I have been pa-rousing Etsy lately and feel like I need to open a shop, which is another project to add to the "creative things to do" list.

My portfolio is another project I feel I need to devote some quality time to. After graduating from college almost 2 years ago, I need to put together a portfolio that really reflects my talents and knowledge as a professional Interior Designer. I hope to gather all of my student work and the professional work I have contributed to in the past 2 years, to develop (with much assistance) a website where I can centrally locate all of my projects, hobbies and talents.

For now, I think writing a blog about my creative sparks I have from time to time will help me realize how often I feel inspired and how I really do need to do something about it, which I suppose is a new year's resolution, per say. Until next time, blog ya later.

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